1210 VERBEEK, R.D.M. Topographische
en geologische beschrijving van een gedeelte van Sumatra's westkust. Batavia,
Landsdrukkerij, 1883. Modern half cloth. XX,674 pp. 350,- e 158,82
From the library of the Dutch parliament. - (Without the atlas).
Cat. KITLV p.211.
1211 (VOLLENHOVEN, J. van). Padang en het gouvernement 'Sumatra's westkust'. Losse gedachten over de oorzaken van verval en middelen tot herstel der welvaart. Rott., J.P. Bladergroen, 1872. Original printed wrappers. 31 pp. - Cat. KITLV p.77. 95,- e 43,11
1212 VOLZ, Wilhelm. Nord-Sumatra. Bericht über eine im Auftrage der Humboldt-Stiftung der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin in den Jahren 1904-06 ausgeführte Forschungsreise. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer, 1909-12. 2 volumes.
Original cloth (vol. II sl. soiled). With 5 folding maps, 23 plates and 239 illustrations. XX,395; XIX,428 pp. 1500,- e 680,67
First edition. - Vol. I: Die Batakländer. Vol. II: Die Gajoländer. A comprehensive account of the expedition to unkown parts of North Sumatra, Indonesia. With scientific results on geology, vulcanology, geography, fauna and ethnography of the region, profusely illustrated.
Cat. KITLV, 1e suppl., p.11.; Müller 1793.
1213 VOORHOEVE, P. Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts in the library of Leiden university and other collections outside Aceh. Compiled in co-operation with T. Iskandar. Translated and edited by M. Duprie. Leiden, 1994. Wrappers. With plates. 391 pp. - (Codices Manuscripti). 150,- e 68,07
1214 - -. Critical survey of studies on the languages of Sumatra. 's Grav., 1955. Wrappers. With folding map. 55 pp. 45,- e 20,42
1215 WAARDENBURG, J.J.C.H. van. De invloed van den landbouw op de zeden, de taal en letterkunde der Atjèhers. Leiden, 1936. Wrappers. (8),118 pp. - (Thesis). 75,- e 34,03
1216 WARNECK, J. Toba-Batak-Deutsches Wörterbuch. Ed. by R. Roolvink. 's Grav., 1977. Cloth. XII,332 pp. 125,- e 56,72
1217 WESTENBERG, C.J. Verslag eener reis naar de onafhankelijke Bataklanden ten noorden van het Toba-Meer. Leiden, 1897. Wrappers. With folding map. 112 pp. - (TKNAG). 95,- e 43,11
1218 WIERINGA, E.P. Catalogue of Malay and Minangkabau manuscripts in the library of Leiden University and other collections in the Netherlands. Vol. I comprising the acquisitions of Malay manuscripts in Leiden University library up to the year 1896. Edited by Joan de Lijster-Streef and Jan Just Witkam. Leiden, 1998. Wrappers. With illustrations. 608 pp. - (Codices Manuscripti XXV). 350,- e 158,82
1219 WINK, P. De onderafdeeling Lais in de residentie Bengkoeloe. 's Hage, 1926. 8vo. Wrappers. III,131 pp. - (V.B.G.). 85,- e 38,57
1220 ZENTGRAAFF, H.C. en W.A. van GOUDOEVER. Sumatraantjes. Reisbrieven. (1e dr.). (Batavia), 'De Java-Bode', (1936). Folio. Wrappers. With many photographic illustrations. 228 pp. 75,- e 34,03
1221 - -. Sumatraantjes. Reisbrieven. 4e druk. (Batavia), De Java Bode, (c. 1947). 4to. Wrappers. With many photographic illustrations. 227 pp. 65,- e 29,50
From the library of the Dutch parliament. - (Without the atlas).
Cat. KITLV p.211.
1211 (VOLLENHOVEN, J. van). Padang en het gouvernement 'Sumatra's westkust'. Losse gedachten over de oorzaken van verval en middelen tot herstel der welvaart. Rott., J.P. Bladergroen, 1872. Original printed wrappers. 31 pp. - Cat. KITLV p.77. 95,- e 43,11
1212 VOLZ, Wilhelm. Nord-Sumatra. Bericht über eine im Auftrage der Humboldt-Stiftung der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin in den Jahren 1904-06 ausgeführte Forschungsreise. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer, 1909-12. 2 volumes.
Original cloth (vol. II sl. soiled). With 5 folding maps, 23 plates and 239 illustrations. XX,395; XIX,428 pp. 1500,- e 680,67
First edition. - Vol. I: Die Batakländer. Vol. II: Die Gajoländer. A comprehensive account of the expedition to unkown parts of North Sumatra, Indonesia. With scientific results on geology, vulcanology, geography, fauna and ethnography of the region, profusely illustrated.
Cat. KITLV, 1e suppl., p.11.; Müller 1793.
1213 VOORHOEVE, P. Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts in the library of Leiden university and other collections outside Aceh. Compiled in co-operation with T. Iskandar. Translated and edited by M. Duprie. Leiden, 1994. Wrappers. With plates. 391 pp. - (Codices Manuscripti). 150,- e 68,07
1214 - -. Critical survey of studies on the languages of Sumatra. 's Grav., 1955. Wrappers. With folding map. 55 pp. 45,- e 20,42
1215 WAARDENBURG, J.J.C.H. van. De invloed van den landbouw op de zeden, de taal en letterkunde der Atjèhers. Leiden, 1936. Wrappers. (8),118 pp. - (Thesis). 75,- e 34,03
1216 WARNECK, J. Toba-Batak-Deutsches Wörterbuch. Ed. by R. Roolvink. 's Grav., 1977. Cloth. XII,332 pp. 125,- e 56,72
1217 WESTENBERG, C.J. Verslag eener reis naar de onafhankelijke Bataklanden ten noorden van het Toba-Meer. Leiden, 1897. Wrappers. With folding map. 112 pp. - (TKNAG). 95,- e 43,11
1218 WIERINGA, E.P. Catalogue of Malay and Minangkabau manuscripts in the library of Leiden University and other collections in the Netherlands. Vol. I comprising the acquisitions of Malay manuscripts in Leiden University library up to the year 1896. Edited by Joan de Lijster-Streef and Jan Just Witkam. Leiden, 1998. Wrappers. With illustrations. 608 pp. - (Codices Manuscripti XXV). 350,- e 158,82
1219 WINK, P. De onderafdeeling Lais in de residentie Bengkoeloe. 's Hage, 1926. 8vo. Wrappers. III,131 pp. - (V.B.G.). 85,- e 38,57
1220 ZENTGRAAFF, H.C. en W.A. van GOUDOEVER. Sumatraantjes. Reisbrieven. (1e dr.). (Batavia), 'De Java-Bode', (1936). Folio. Wrappers. With many photographic illustrations. 228 pp. 75,- e 34,03
1221 - -. Sumatraantjes. Reisbrieven. 4e druk. (Batavia), De Java Bode, (c. 1947). 4to. Wrappers. With many photographic illustrations. 227 pp. 65,- e 29,50